
Located at the bottom left corner. The apartment is the starting point of your commute. Hover over the apartment in order to start the game and make all obstacles and goals appear.

Train Station:

Located at the top right corner of the screen after you hover over the apartment. The train station is the ending point of your commute. Hover over the train station to procede to the next day.


Located in various positions throughout your commute. The tourists are one category of obstacles you will experience on your commute. If you run into a tourist, you will be late for work.


Located driving down the streets. The taxis are one category of obstacles you will experience on your commute. If you run into a taxi, you will be late for work.


Located throughout your commute. The bikes are one category of obstacles you will experience on your commute. Beware, bikes change course at inconsistent times. If you run into a bike, you will be late for work.


Located throughout your commute. The coffee cups are a goal. Collect coffee and you will recieve bonus points for the level.

Rodents of Unusual Size:

Located at the train station to start, and then moving throughout your commute. Rodents of unusual size will give you rabies, and prevent you from getting to work. Running into one will restart the game.

Score Tracker:

Located in the top left corner. The score tracker tells you what day you are on and how much time you have left, as well as your current coffee bonus for the day and current score.